Mister's Words & Pictures
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006

Jazz Fest is the reason I wanted to move to New Orleans. Year in and year out I loved coming back to the city, got a feel for its vibe and its weirdness, got hooked on New Orleans jazz and its cultural roots and branches and it just so happened G Bitch is from NOLA, so why the hell not? I feel anyone who was not from New Orleans but lived there prior to Katrina and manages to return to the city to live should be considered a naturalized native New Orleanian. No time limits, they come back, they get a certificate. I know I want my certificate--if you're listening, Mister Mayor. If I don't get my certificate, Mister Mayor, I'm going to vote for that other guy whose name will soon appear on a sign in our front yard.

I live in New Orleans married to an angry black woman. She's an academic who for professional reasons maintains a murky identity online as a blogger. Perhaps not surprisingly, I find her to have a brilliant mind and her blog is one of my daily reads. I feed her wire stories, some she's even used, and we manage to talk a lot--that's the extent of my participation in her blog. I've also posted on her blog anonymously a few times, and although that's something I do on a few other websites as well, I thought it was high time I came out of the shadows.