Mister's Words & Pictures

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I know I shouldn't complain--in fact, I should be thrilled that this traffic light is functioning at all, many still aren't--but damn, is there anything more pathetic than a duct taped traffic light?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Accidental pairing of signs on Louisiana Ave. near the Brown Derby restaurant after it burned down recently.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The "renew orleans" bumper sticker isn't my favorite (graphically nice, fine sentiment, but how do you say it? am I being too literal?). However, you can't argue with the sticker's look combined with the old school STORYVILLE STOMPERS.

Jazz Fest is the reason I wanted to move to New Orleans. Year in and year out I loved coming back to the city, got a feel for its vibe and its weirdness, got hooked on New Orleans jazz and its cultural roots and branches and it just so happened G Bitch is from NOLA, so why the hell not? I feel anyone who was not from New Orleans but lived there prior to Katrina and manages to return to the city to live should be considered a naturalized native New Orleanian. No time limits, they come back, they get a certificate. I know I want my certificate--if you're listening, Mister Mayor. If I don't get my certificate, Mister Mayor, I'm going to vote for that other guy whose name will soon appear on a sign in our front yard.

I live in New Orleans married to an angry black woman. She's an academic who for professional reasons maintains a murky identity online as a blogger. Perhaps not surprisingly, I find her to have a brilliant mind and her blog is one of my daily reads. I feed her wire stories, some she's even used, and we manage to talk a lot--that's the extent of my participation in her blog. I've also posted on her blog anonymously a few times, and although that's something I do on a few other websites as well, I thought it was high time I came out of the shadows.